Make A Gift
The High Point Foundation is a 501(c)(3) public charity with the primary mission of supporting and advancing the mission and values of the Lutheran Home at Kane.
Faith in Action
As a faith-based, non-profit, charitable organization, we are guided by God’s love to serve our neighbors and care for rural Pennsylvania’s most vulnerable seniors, the disabled, and those recovering.
As the fundraising arm of The Lutheran Home, The High Point Foundation works to secure the financial future of the facility so those served receive the necessary services for many years to come. We rely on the generous support of our faithful donors to carry out this charitable mission and improve the lives of those we serve.
Giving Opportunities
If you’d like additional information on any of our giving opportunities, please feel free to contact us.
Annual Giving requests are mailed each year in November asking our supporters for their assistance with special projects or capital expenditures.
Donations of any amount can be made in memory or honor of an individual. You can honor someone’s birthday, anniversary, or special event. An acknowledgement card is mailed to whomever you choose notifying them a donation was made in memory of their loved one or in honor of their special occasion.
Planned Giving can be life insurance policies with the Lutheran Home at Kane as the beneficiary or bequests set up in your will.
Endowment Giving provides you the opportunity to leave a legacy gift to The Lutheran Home at Kane over time.
In Kind Gifts are gifts of goods or services you donate to The Lutheran Home at Kane.